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Martin Dasek Mark III
Martin Dasek Mark III
Martin Dasek Mark III

Mark III /2013/

800 x 120x 170 cm, wood

public space / Hauptplatz Square, Linz, Austria

Installation created for Hauptplatz Square in Linz (Austria). In a corner of the square is placed a structure, that at first glance blocks passage through. Two diagonal lines held by a triangular construction were created using wooden slats. The diagonal slats are painted red just like barriers used for construction works in public areas. Viewed from the front, both diagonal sections form a cursive letter “X” – however, it is possible to pass through between them.

The aim of the project was to set a change into the given space. Pedestrians must exceed the optical “barrier”, in other words, they must cross a line (rule).

created at Atelierhaus Salzamt in Linz